… John Marshall

The Law does not expect a man to be prepared to

defend every act of his life which may be suddenly

and without notice alleged against him

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Blacklist Credit Clearances

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If you are having difficulties obtaining a loan or credit, it might mean that you are blacklisted at a credit bureau.

Blacklisting is normally classified under the following:

  • Civil Judgements
  • Defaults
  • Administration Orders

Before we can determine what type of blacklisting you have, we’ll require a comprehensive copy of your credit report.  If you do not already have such a report in your possession, we can apply for your report from any or all of the major credit bureaus in South Africa.

There are various credit bureaus in South Africa, but the bureaus listed below are mainly used by the Credit Providers when assessing your credit worthiness:

  • TransUnion ITC
  • Experian
  • Compuscan
  • XDS

If you have a Judgement listed on your profile, it means that a creditor has obtained the Judgement under a Case Number in terms of a Court Order.  If you qualify for a rescission, we can approach the Court who granted the Judgement on your behalf and formally apply for the Judgement to be rescinded.  Thereafter, we can furnish the Credit Bureaus with the necessary Court Order and supporting documents and instruct them to ‘delete’ the Judgement from your profile.

Notwithstanding the above, as from 2014, you are also entitled to approach the Credit Bureaus personally and provide them with a settlement letter issued by the relevant creditor.