The Law does not expect a man to be prepared to
defend every act of his life which may be suddenly
and without notice alleged against him
10 Carstens Road, Kamma Ridge, Port Elizabeth
(t) 041 371 3555
(f) 086 550 5140
This page is a reflection of how our services are experienced by our valued clientele.
Thank you to each and every client who contributed their time and efforts to make this page possible.
Alex Bellingan, Property Investor
Ek gee vir jou [Angeléne] die Oscar vir kommunikasie. Ek het al ‘n paar plekke in my lewe verkoop en jou kommunikasie was deurgaans puik.
J. Louw, College Accountant at Calvary Christian College
Angeléne has rendered legal services to myself and our business over a number of years since moving to Australia. Her professionalism and efficiency has been above and beyond and I found her more than a competent lawyer. I would recommend her any day.
J. Myers, Missionary, SA
I can wholeheartedly recommend Angeléne Swart. She is highly motivated and detail oriented. She handled the purchase of our home over seven years ago and made the transition smooth and seamless. Angeléne has always given us quality legal advice and representation, not only for us but for the Churches we have started. She is trustworthy and will have only your best interest at heart.
E. Koekemoer, Tshwane Metro
Graag wil ek net dankie sê vir Angeléne Swart Prokureurs vir die eerlike manier waarop my koop-
Angeléne se eerlikheid wat haar werk aanbetref het my in die besonder opgeval en ek kan haar met gemoedsrus aanbeveel vir enige persoon wat ooit ‘n Prokureur sal nodig kry. Sy was altyd vriendelik en hulpvaardig en gereed met raad wanneer ek dit nodig gehad het.
Baie dankie vir jou geduld en vriendelike hulp!