The Law does not expect a man to be prepared to
defend every act of his life which may be suddenly
and without notice alleged against him
10 Carstens Road, Kamma Ridge, Port Elizabeth
(t) 041 371 3555
(f) 086 550 5140
A contract is defined as an agreement between two or more parties (persons or entities), each of whom intends to create one or more legal obligations between them.
The elements of a contract are mainly ‘offer’ and ‘acceptance’ by ‘competent persons’, having legal capacity, who exchange ‘consideration’ to create ‘mutuality of obligation’
The importance of a properly drafted contract – especially in business dealings – cannot be over emphasised. We have seen too many clients devastated by broken promises between ‘friends’ or being disillusioned upon discovering that the ‘template’ they bought at the local store does not offer sufficient legal protection.
Our firm is equipped to provide you with a range of up-